Welcome to my sitemap! Click a page title to visit it.

You can check out whatever you like in any order; I just ordered things this way because it seems fairly intuitive.

The page you see when you first visit. The navigation bar and interactive abacus use JavaScript, so make sure it is enabled.

A bit about me and the site.

SitemapYou are here!
A list of every page on this site, each with a brief description of what it is.

A growing directory of my ramblings sorted by date and topic (Each post has its own page, and there's quite a few of them, so I haven't directly listed any here).

A gallery page of sorts to group my favorite drawings I've made. Please make sure that JavaScript is enabled for the full experience.

Meant to be the tech project counterpart of the drawings page, but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. For now, see the “Project log” category of my blog.

My status.cafe feed where I say stuff like “finally fixed the bug :lfg:” and complain about papercuts.

Math (Shrine)
A page dedicated to math because I like math. Still a slight WIP; I'll probably add more or change the layout later.

Gaming page for gaming stuff.

Stardew Valley game log
Here I keep track of significant events in my Stardew save files and show some screenshots.

Web stuff
A collection of various things from around the web; stamps, blinkies, userboxes, and more. Feel free to save these for your own webpage.

Memes and meme-adjacent things. If you like these, we should be friends.

Here you can tell me what you think about the site, or just say hi. I read and respond to everything.

A list of sites I think you should check out next.

Thanks for visiting! This site is continually being updated as I see fit, so there's bound to be something new the next time you come around.