February 2024

School has picked up the pace since January. It feels like every week now I study very hard during the weekdays and then crash over the weekend (Which is probably why I’m writing my February post over break in March…). Balancing my schedule has proven to be tricky, but it is getting better with time.

I’m learning a lot in college. For one, I went from making tiny karnaugh maps for rudimentary logic gates in Nand2Tetris to doing up to 6-variable karnaugh maps (That’s four 4x4 tables) and building much more complicated circuits. I feel like I’m able to understand exponentially more and more as I continue, and it’s pretty awesome.

Math is still my favorite class, even though it’s easily the most difficult I’ve taken yet. It turns out that proof writing is fun enough to rival calculus. Now that I can write my own proofs, revisiting proofs I’ve seen in the past is mindblowing because I can actually understand the underlying logic. We had our first exam a few weeks ago, and I scored among the best in the class, so I’m really happy about that too.

In February, I also turned 19. For a while, my birthday used to make me vaguely upset, because I’d worry about not having done enough with my life to be [insert] age, or whatnot. But now I can honestly say that I’m at peace with myself.

As for media I enjoyed this month, I started playing Stardew Valley, and continued reading my book (Algorithms to Live By), but didn’t get as far as I would’ve liked. I also haven’t finished the crochet I started (Man :horse:), so here’s to hoping I finish that and my book next month. Stardew Valley is fun, though. I like the relaxed pace of the game, and fishing, and raising chickens.

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